Metra Building
27 mar 2017
Update catalogue Windows for curtain walls
Update of the catalogue WINDOWS FOR CURTAIN WALLS ​ The update includes: PROFILES: - Updated sashes NC6473- NC6475- NC6477- NC6479-...
Metra Building
27 mar 2017
Update catalogue Burglar-proof systems
The updated catalogue was integrated with the HES new sliding series : - NC-S 150 STH HES - NC-S 170 STH HES - AELLE-S 190 STH Compared...
Metra Building
27 mar 2017
Aggiornamento catalogo Sistemi antieffrazione
Nel catalogo aggiornato sono state introdotte le nuove serie scorrevoli HES: - NC-S 150 STH HES - NC-S 170 STH HES - AELLE-S 190 STH ​...