Metra Building
New METRA 2 positions power group – MU2889
The new METRA 2 position power group MU2889 is available, joining the existent power groups 12+2 positions (MU2800) and 5+2 positions (MU2822).Please find below the image of the new power group.
The support bench is the same as for power group MU2822, item MU2836 and, because of the frontal function of the new power group, there is no need for the rotatable support kit.
With the new power group MU2889 the following machining cannot be performed:
MU2817 – Shearing unit triple drilling for handle housing – CAN BE CARRIED OUT BY POWER GROUP MU2800 ONLY
MU2839 – Shearing unit double hole – CAN BE CARRIED OUT BY POWER GROUP MU2800 – MU2822 ONLY